Senior Partner Mr. Feinen, Attorney at Law, Specialist in debt collection, economic mediation


"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises." Demosthenes



Anwaltskanzlei Germany-Feinen
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Law Firm Germany-Feinen 

Your partner in debt collection

Senior Partner Michael Feinen, Rechtsanwalt:


Michael Feinen (born in 1959 in Germany) studied law (specialisation in commercial and corporation law), political economics and sociology at the University of Trier and Münster, Germany, from 1981 to 1986, where he passed his first civil service examination on February 1987. His practical training from 1 March 1987 to 31 August 1990 included an optional period of several month with a German Law Firm situated in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia and a period with a local employers' federation. He passed his second civil service examination on March 1990. He spent a half year for a training and graduation in tax law.

1991 he joined an internationally-active Law Firm in Stuttgart, Germany specialised in international debt collection and commercial law working for international credit insurance companies from France, Italy and UK.

In his first years he was concerned with different matters of civil law cases and could gain experience in a multiplicity of court proceedings especially at the court divisions dealing with commercial matters. He then worked additionally on basic issues of commercial cases and corporate law and he was also involved in set up of companies. Since May 1996 he was called to all Higher Regional Courts in Germany.

On 1 March 2000, Mr. Feinen established his own Law Firm in Cologne, Germany. In the meantime the Law Firm Germany-Feinen has got 3 Senior Lawy'ers and 3 junior Lawyer's. The staff is specialised in debt collection and enforcement proceedings and familar with all requirements of a modern, high-tech outfitted office.

In 2002 he acquired the accreditation to all courts in Germany.

Since 2005 Michael Feinen is working as a mediator (certified Mediator).

He is a member of the German Lawyer's Association (DAV) since 1991. In 2000 he finished a training as a Coach.


The Cologne Bar Association is the supervisory authority. Practising as a lawyer requires admission. The service providers are admitted as “Lawyers” to the Cologne Regional Court, Germany.

Service providers are subject to the following laws and regulations, which can be found at the homepage of the German Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltkammer) at These laws and regulations include among others the following:

* Rules and Regulations for the Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung) (BRAK)
* Attorney’s Fee Ordinance (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz, RVG) (BRAK)
* Occupational Regulations for the Bar (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte) (BRAK)

Jahrgang 1959, Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Soziologie an der Universität Trier. Nach 10 Semestern Studium Referendarzeit u.a. mehrere Monate in einer deutschen, wirtschaftsrechtlich ausgerichteten Anwaltskanzlei in Jeddah, Saudi Arabien tätig. Absolvierung des Lehrgangs "Steuern und Betrieb" in Detmold (heute Fachanwaltslehrgang Steuerrecht).

Nach 10 Jahren Tätigkeit in einer mittelständischen Anwaltskanzlei mit internationalem Bezug (insbesondere Frankreich und England; Mitgliedschaft in einer europäischen Anwaltsvereinigung) in Stuttgart Kanzleigründung in Köln.

2002: Zulassung zum OLG Köln, Zulassung zu allen Landgerichten und Oberlandesgerichten in Deutschland (daneben zugelassen beim Bundesarbeitsgericht, BAG). Vorstands- und Präsidiumsmitglied mehrerer Vereine. Mitglied des Deutschen Anwaltsvereins (DAV) seit 1991. Im Jahr 2000 Ausbildung zum "lösungsorientierter Kurzberater" (Coaching).



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Law Firm Germany-Feinen, 50823 Köln, Germany, specialist in debt collection, claim management and international contract law
e-mail - click here 
phone 0049-221-16844589, Fax: 0049 -221- 16844619


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Copyright: Michael Feinen 2000-2023
28, August 2023